TV audience

[网络] 观众;电视观众



  1. His influence extends beyond the TV viewing audience.
  2. The number of TV audience() of20,000 at9 pm.
  3. That's because the expert cook doesn't need to illustrate the chopping of onions in front of the TV audience; it would be boring.
  4. The only difference is The Hunger Games are for a TV audience.
  5. The TV audience watched Nixon looking sweaty and pale, while Kennedy appeared young, athletic, handsome, and poised.
  6. The three-hour spectacle in the Olympic Stadium is expected to be viewed by a global TV audience of a billion people.
  7. Satellite TV's audience is a paying audience, and poor value is rewarded in the commercial marketplace by instant customer boycott or unpredictably-gradual rejection.
  8. Specialization of Our Local TV Channel Audience's Absent Problem and Practice
  9. An Analysis of the Changing Psychology and Social Attributes of TV Audience
  10. China's vast TV audience is the world's biggest, with a voracious demand for programming.
  11. The Analysis of the Chinese Entertainment TV's Audience about the Aesthetical Psychology Needs
  12. TV audience usually rely on its contextual cues and ostensive means to activate their psychological schema, and with the help of inference, they understand the double meanings of a pun and its purpose.
  13. A TV Audience: Producer of Meaning and Pleasure
  14. The rule of internet exerts an imperceptible influence on mode of thinking and the mode of thinking influent reception of TV audience.
  15. In term of television, we may look internet user as TV audience who like going into internet.
  16. It is one of the key links of improving TV programme audience rating, making the image of TV station.
  17. On the other hand, as the creator of TV cultural meaning, large China TV audience whose "active" expression and reflection in mind and emotion, aesthetic psychology and aesthetic interest has also been analyzed.
  18. Diagrammatic Analysis on the TV Audience Pattern in Ningbo
  19. On the Individuality of TV Anchorperson in the Times of Different TV Audience
  20. A Survey of the Needs of Beijing Film and TV Audience
  21. Through the sample survey of TV audience in Duyun, this article analyzes the mental needs of target audience and professional audience, and believes that strengthening the design of individuality columns is the effective method for TV media to capture the audience.
  22. The fifth part is a combination of the current situation of the Qinghai local TV audience, the media environment and the development of the present situation of the development of the Qinghai TV and local audience market training strategy.
  23. Explore content products design idea, methods and strategies for interactive TV audience behavior characteristics.
  24. On this background. traditional television program research is not enough to satisfy the program needs and consumer demand of interactive TV audience in an all-round and scientific way.
  25. Since 1990, the inland tragedies has made a significant growth in order to bring forward the emergence of a large number of good works, some of which have attracted wide TV audience of all ages, and become the mainstay of TV plays types.
  26. From the three stages regarding the definition of subject in communication, to the elaboration of the subject construction process in sociology field, the TV audience extends to every field, and builds a system covering all fields.
  27. In modern society, city audience occupies a very important role in the TV audience strategies.
  28. Its has a huge TV audience, known for a strong artistic influence in the world, become the most influential form of popular culture.
  29. As a large life service program of Jiangsu TV show, "You Are the One" is constantly active in more and more TV screen and computer screen, which is worth thinking over; for another thing, what are influence factors for TV audience brand loyalty.
  30. TV program is the product of television career to a certain stage, which not only meet the requirements of television production quickly, but also to take care of the needs of TV audience ratings.